

Northern California + Calderón + Happy Links

 "Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises."  // Pedro Calderón de la Barca

Happy Links:

  • Adina at The Gluten Free Travelette shared a recent hike in Washington that had me craving somequality mountain time. I immediately added the hike to my "I Want To Go To There" Pinterest board.
  • My favorite resource for clean cosmetics, No More Dirty Looks, is hiring an assistant! If you're interested and have the time, you should definitely think about reaching out.
  • These prosthetic limbs are incredible. Who knew artificial limbs could be so artfully done?! I'm not sure if you all know this (I suppose I don't write about it much), but I was born with just half of my right arm and I wear a prosthesis everyday. These beauties have me wishing for an upgrade!

Wrap it Up:

  • On Monday, I professed my love for Skillshare. I'm taking the "How to Write a Killer Magazine Article Pitch" class... which reminds me: I need to start my project!
  • I welcomed a new series to the blog this week that focuses on the careers of creative entrepreneurs. Be sure to stop in and check it out!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. I'll be spending it at a garage sale I'm co-hosting with my mom in an effort to get rid of excess. If you're in the Sacramento area and want the details, let me know!

Let's hang out: Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest | Bloglovin