Now + Then
When I was tagged by Kory to offer up a "Now + Then" post, I took some time to read through the posts from those who have participated in the past. I must admit, I'm a few years older than you all! Because it's been nearly 10 years since I graduated from college (gulp), I thought I'd reminisce about the early college years.
Here we go!
NOW // 2014
Crushing on:
My husband (cheesy, I know… but I can’t help myself!).
Dexter (catching up), Justified, Parenthood and The Voice (guilty pleasure alert!)
Listening to:
Pretty much everything I listened to in college, alongside new favorites like Grace Potter & The Nocturnals, The Civil Wars, Florence & The Machine and Lorde
I read for fun now that the pile of assigned reading is gone. I read magazines regularly to see which publications might take submissions and I try to keep up with my favorite blogs as much as possible.
I try to keep it simple. Lots of denim, flats, blazers, flowy tops and sweaters. I no longer frequent the tanning salon. My skin thanks me, daily.
I recently cut my hair to my jaw line, but I tend to like it long with layers. I also quit dying my hair about four years ago and haven’t looked back.
Travel, outdoor adventure, cooking, home improvement and reading.
Work hard at things that inspire me and know that my path doesn’t need to look like the paths of others.
What am I not dreaming about? My life list sums it up quite nicely.
Life Plan:
Travel, work, explore, create, travel. Repeat.
THEN // College: The Early Years
Crushing on:
I honestly can’t remember, but I know I was awfully fond of Tim McGraw.
Friends, Gilmore Girls, Felicity and ER
Listening to:
Ben Harper, Nora Jones, Beastie Boys, G. Love & The Special Sauce, Faith Hill, LeAnne Womack (and everything else on CMT)
I was an English major.
Think: books upon books and not much time for anything else.
I was big on linen pants and peasant tops for some reason (I blame Rachel from Friends). I also thought of my tan as an accessory. Yuck.
High maintenance! Long layers, flat ironed every day. Lots of highlights and low lights (again, think Rachel in the later years).
School and work kept me pretty busy, but I definitely enjoyed a good house party or day at the river.
Study hard, prove yourself and please other people.
To start my own business.
Life Plan:
Graduate, get a good job, buy a house and get married. Turns out, there is life after all of that business! :)
So, there you have it. Thankfully, I've grown up a bit over the last decade or so. Anyone else glad to have grown out of certain habits and pastimes?
I'm going to follow Liz's lead and tag anyone who's interested in sharing their own "Now + Then" post. Just be sure to stop by and link up in the comment section if you play along!