

My Word for 2015: Well


Just like that, 2015 has swung open its doors and we've walked right on through ready to take on whatever comes next. Or at least I feel like I'm almost prepared for whatever comes next. Honestly, I've been feeling a pull—a longing, even—and that feeling is coming from a need to focus, to hold close the important bits and release the rest.

So I've decided, along with one million others on the internet, to choose a word for the year. I'll be using it as a tool to guide my actions through the minutes, hours, days, months and quarters of this year.

That word? Well

Here's how I'm making that word make sense to me:

Well: A feeling I hope to embrace more often than not
Truth be told, I spent much of 2014 feeling unwell. I didn't always feel terrible, but I definitely didn't feel my best. In 2015, I want to move more in an effort to continue to avoid the pitfalls of associated with my disability. I'm happy to note that I've already taken steps to make more activity possible this year. I'm getting my new prosthetic arm this week (!) and plan to break it in with proper push-ups and beginners yoga sessions with my friend Tami. I've also signed on to my friend Nikki's wellness course for the month. It's been amazing so far, you guys. Don't miss it next time it rolls around.

Well: To cultivate a source from which something may be drawn
Here's the thing about being an independent business owner in a sea of 9-5ers: It gets lonely. In 2013 and 2014, I spent a lot of time dealing with the ups and downs of being the person in charge of every choice, every next step and every mistake. Then I found a group of people who are just like me. They're working to build something from scratch and make a living in the process. They've taught me how to build up my own reserves, to trust in myself and my judgement and to reach out when I need help or reassurance. They've taught me that it's okay to look to others to fill up your well, but that it's equally important to offer the same in return. They've also made me realize that not everyone—even those closest to me—is going to be there to pull me up when I'm feeling low and that's okay. In fact, it's to be expected. Not everyone understands the challenges of being in business for yourself, but finding likeminded folks who do can make all the difference. My hope for 2015 is to continue to fill my own well and the wells of others as much as possible.

(Do) Well: To prosper and thrive while helping others do the same
I'm always looking for new opportunities to grow in different directions and dive deeper into activities, hobbies and skills I want to master. But this year, I'll also focus on how I can help others do well in their own lives and businesses. While 2014 brought vehicles for sharing the work of others, like Creating Your Own Path and #storytellersaturdays on Instagram, my hope is to create ways to share knowledge. I've learned so much through the last four years of trial and error. Each success and failure were important milestones and it would be a shame to keep that knowledge tucked away. I've also got a few fun collaborations in the works that are centered on key values in my own life: adventure, wellness and creativity. I'll be sharing more about my ideas and plans tomorrow, but I think you all are going to like what I've got in the works.


Now it's your turn: what's your word for 2015?