

Bringing it Back: Consultations + Workshops

When I started my part-time job last year, I needed to make sure I blocked out at least 20 hours a week for the work I was doing there and that meant letting go of things like my Perfecting Your Pitch ecourse, 1-on-1 consultations, and office hour sessions. While I was content to let go of those things to work with larger personalities and brands, I really missed dedicating time to problem-solve with small business owners and fellow creatives.

Today, I'm happy to report that I'm slowly bringing elements of those things back to the shop!


As you can see, I'm now scheduling 1-on-1 Creative Strategy Consultations that are open for anyone who wants to work through roadblocks and questions in their career or business. We can work on broad topics like career and business trajectory or we can drill down and get really specific about certain areas that have you feeling stuck.


I don't have all of the details ready for the in-person workshops, but I can tell you they will focus on specific topics, will be limited to only five attendees at a time (for maximum workshopping), and they'll be launching in July. Stay tuned for more details, if you're in the Sacramento area!


As for Perfecting Your Pitch, I have to tell you: I miss sharing the content. However, I've decided that setting it up as an ecourse just didn't fit with how I best serve those who need help. I am so much happier working through specific issues with people and the ecourse wasn't structured quite right for that to happen. So, I'm adapting the content and bringing it back as a downloadable workbook program (coming soon!) and those who need more personalized help are always welcome to schedule a 1-on-1 consulting session or join us for one of the group in-person workshops. The workbook will be available in the shop as soon as it's ready!

There you have it, friends! I've got other physical items taking shape for the shop, as well. Just like the 100 Days of Discussion book, the new items, consulting sessions, and workshops all benefit the CYOP Artist Residency. As promised, 5% of proceeds will go right back into that program so artists get paid fairly for their work.